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You can also hire Dr John Ankers for coaching consultancy, research and professional writing.


Coaching can have an immediate benefit on productivity and wellbeing, but a long term cultural change in an organisation takes time. Please get in touch to discuss hiring me as a consultant to oversee coaching become a long-term part of your future success.

Writing and Research

Together with my background in research, I am a published writer. I am always interested in getting involved in coaching research projects or writing about them for your magazine, web site or journal.

Samples of previous research and published written work:

"What makes us tick?" - BSCB award-winner, 2011

"Statistics as weapons" - Significance magazine, 2012

"Priority and timing of inflammatory signalling and cell proliferation" - Elife, 2016

Mental health week 2017 coverage for the Medical Research Council, 2017

Get in touch...

Send me a message at Or give me a call on 07974157792. Have a read of what my other clients say.

What I can do for you


Hire me to discuss implementing a coaching culture in your business or organisation.


Professional, award winning, writer. Hire me to write for you.


11+ years experience in academic research. Always interested in new projects.